“Unmatched” is a popular board game series known for its unique blend of strategic combat and diverse characters from various mythologies, literature and pop culture.

Released by Restoration Games and Mondo Games, the game pits legendary heroes and villains from different universes against each other in epic battles. Players choose a character, each with a unique deck of cards that dictates their skills and tactics in battles. The game is praised for its easy-to-learn mechanics, beautifully designed miniatures, and deep strategic elements. “Unmatched” is not just another game but a franchise that offers a variety of sets and expansions that promise endless combinations and replayability in the dynamic duels.

Overview of the game

“Unmatched” is a miniature tactical game in which players pit legendary characters from different universes against each other in epic battles.

Whether you control the wily Sherlock Holmes, the monstrous Bigfoot or the speedy Robin Hood, each character brings his own unique skills and card game.

The goal is simple: outwit your opponent, using your character’s strengths and strategic card play to defeat them.


unmatched cobble fog contents

Gameplay mechanics

The gameplay of “Unmatched” is deceptively simple but deep, appealing to casual players and strategy enthusiasts alike. Players alternate turns, performing actions such as maneuvering, attacking or playing special cards that can turn the tide of battle. The game uses a multi-zone board, which adds an element of spatial strategy as players try to outwit their opponents.

One of the most important mechanisms is the card system. Each character deck is tailored to highlight their unique traits and fighting style. For example, King Arthur’s deck may focus on powerful, direct attacks, while Alice from Wonderland uses cards that manipulate the rules of the game and create unexpected twists.


unmatched trex vs dr sattler content

Extensions and variations

One of the most exciting aspects of “Unmatched” is its extensive range of expansions and stand-alone sets. Each new release introduces new characters, each with themed decks and abilities. Some of the popular expansions include “Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot,” “Cobble & Fog” with characters like Dracula and Jekyll & Hyde, and the licensed “Unmatched: Jurassic Park” set.

These expansions not only increase the replayability of the game, but also allow players to mix and match characters from different sets, creating dream matchups that could never take place in their original universes. This modularity is a major draw for fans, allowing players to create their perfect battle scenarios.


Strategic depth and replayability

For those who enjoy strategic gameplay, “Unmatched” offers plenty of depth. The game encourages players to think several moves ahead, anticipate their opponents’ strategies and take calculated risks. The diversity of characters ensures that no two games are the same, providing a new experience every time.

Moreover, the balance between tactical maneuvers and strategic card play means that players must adapt, making each game a true test of wits and reflexes.



“Unmatched” is more than just a board game; it is a dynamic combat system that brings legends to life in a lively, competitive format. Its seamless blend of strategy, thematic elements and beautiful artwork make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to immerse themselves in a world of legendary battles. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or a newcomer to the hobby, “Unmatched” offers an exciting experience that is sure to captivate and challenge.


Unmatched: Battle of the Legends

 39,95 inc. Vat

Unmatched: Battle of the Legends 2

 39,95 inc. Vat

Unmatched: Little Red Riding Hood vs. Beowulf

 27,95 inc. Vat

Unmatched: Cobble & Fog

 39,95 inc. Vat

Unmatched: Jurassic Park – Dr. Sattler vs. T. Rex

 44,95 inc. Vat

Unmatched: Jurassic Park – InGen vs. Raptors

 44,95 inc. Vat

Unmatched: Robin Hood vs. Bigfoot

 27,95 inc. Vat

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