Goal of the game
In Deep Sea Adventure, a group of poor explorers want to collect undersea treasures in hopes of getting rich. They are rivals, but their budget forces them to share a rented submarine. In the rented submarine, they must also share an oxygen tank. If they fail to get back in the submarine before the oxygen runs out, they lose all their treasures. Now it’s time to see who can amass the greatest wealth.
- Place the submarine board in a place visible to all players.
- Set the air indicator on the submarine board to “25”. This indicates the remaining amount of air in the submarine.
- Turn over all the ruin tiles, divide the tiles by level and shake well.
- Place the ruin tokens by level from low to high. The chits must be connected to the submarine. As long as the chits form a single line, any arrangement is possible.
- Players each choose an explorer and place it on the submarine board.
- The player who last swam in the ocean may begin. If no one has recently swam in the ocean, the dice decide. The player with the highest die count begins.
Goal of the game
The game consists of 3 rounds. The player who has accumulated the most points during the three rounds wins the game. To win points, you must return the most ruin tokens to the submarine. You can return to the submarine only once per round. After that, you cannot explore the ocean again. Without ruin tokens, you cannot return to the submarine.
Game play
In turn, each player must follow steps 1-4. Players take turns playing in clockwise order. The round ends when all players have returned to the submarine or when the oxygen is used up at the beginning of someone’s turn.
1. Reduce oxygen
Reduce the oxygen on the submarine board by the number of ruin tokens you own (“treasures” from previous rounds do not count). Even if the oxygen drops below 0, the player may finish the turn. Players who have already returned to the submarine no longer consume oxygen.
2. Say whether you will return or not
Say whether you will return or move on. You can only change direction once per round. If you decide to turn back, place the explorer facing the submarine. From now on, you don’t have to decide in later turns whether to change direction. When you roll the dice without saying anything, you must move in the same direction as the previous rounds. Also during the first turn of a round you cannot turn back.
3. Roll the dice and proceed with your figure
Roll both dice and move your explorer forward according to the number rolled. If you move over a ruin tile on which someone else’s explorer is standing, skip that ruin tile (you jump over it) without counting it.
(3*) Echter, als je in het bezit bent van ruïnefiches die je eerder deze ronde hebt verzameld, moet je het aantal fiches aftrekken van het aantal geworpen ogen.
(3*) Wanneer het aantal ogen hoger is dan het aantal geplaatste fiches, moet je op het laagst mogelijke punt stoppen.
4. Search
When you have stopped, choose from these options:
A. Do nothing
B. Take a ruin token
In this case, take the ruin token without turning it over. Fill the empty space with a blank token and place your explorer on it. (You may not see the front of your collected ruin token until you have returned to the submarine.) There is no limit on the number of chits collected. However, if you are in possession of 6 or more chits, according to the rules on 3* you cannot move when you roll the dice.
C. Place a ruin token
When you have a ruin token you collected in this round and you have stopped on a blank token, you can place 1 ruin token of your choice on this spot.
The above steps conclude a round.
The turn passes in clockwise order to the next player who completes steps 1-4.
End of the game round
A round ends when all players have returned to the submarine or when the oxygen runs out. All players now perform the actions below appropriate to their round result.
Players who returned to the submarine:
Turn over the ruin tokens you brought to the submarine and look at the front. The ruin tokens whose front is visible become “treasures.” These count as points. These then remain face-up.
Players who failed to return to the submarine:
Lower all the treasures you collected this round to the bottom of the ocean. In order from farthest to closest to the submarine, players must place the ruin tokens they kept on the board. All players’ tokens are stacked next to the ruin tokens farthest from the ship (in an empty space).
When there is a stack of three chips, the fourth chip is placed in the next position. You can freely decide where to stack the chips, but they must always be stacked in threes.
Three ruin tokens, forming a stack at the end of a round, are counted as a single ruin token in subsequent rounds. All three must be recorded and placed together. They will also be counted as a single ruin token when calculating the amount of oxygen used up and the number of steps an explorer can take. They count as 3 chits when turned over to the treasure side.
When all players have performed all of the above actions, all blank chips are removed from the board and all holes are filled with the chips next to them.
The player farthest away from the submarine becomes the first player and the next round can begin. If all players have returned to the submarine, the player who was last back in the submarine becomes the first player in the next round.
End of the game
The game ends after the third round. The points accumulated during the three rounds are added up. The player with the most points is the winner. In case several players have an equal number of points, the player with the largest number of “high level” ruin tokens wins. In case the players have the same number of “high level” ruin tokens, the game ends in a tie.