Purpose of the game?
Place things in the rings and try to guess what the secret rule of the rings is.
- Choose a mix of 1, 2 or 3 rings based on your favorite challenge level. Arrange them on the table as shown, with “None” somewhere nearby.
- Choose 1 player as Knower. All others are Finders. With 2 players, use the co-op variant.
- Decide how difficult the ring rules will be (Easy, Medium or Difficult). For each ring, the Knower draws 1 random rule card of the matching color and chosen difficulty (indicated on the back). The Knower reviews the rules, but must keep them secret at all times.
- Shuffle the “Things” card deck and give each player 5 cards.
- The Knower chooses 3 Things from his hand and places them correctly, following the ring rules. He throws his remaining 2 Things face down. The Beginning Things act as clues to help Finders guess the rules.

The Finders take turns placing Things in rings and try to guess the secret rule of each ring. The first Finder to empty his hand by placing 5 Things correctly wins!
Game turns
The Finders take their turn in clockwise order. Follow these steps when it is your turn:
- Choose a Thing from your hand and place it open somewhere inside or outside the rings.
- The Knower checks the ring lines to see if your thing is placed correctly. If it is, they say “correct.” If not, they move it to where it belongs.
- If you placed it correctly, place another Thing (start over from step 1). If you placed it incorrectly, draw 1 new Thing and end your turn.
Placing multiple things
There is no limit to the number of Things you can place in a turn, as long as you place them correctly. You only draw a new Thing if you place them incorrectly.
Placing things
- Each ring has a secret rule about which Things belong in it. A Thing is correctly placed if it is in each ring where it belongs, and no rings where it does not belong.
- A Thing that follows only 1 ring rule belongs only in that ring.
- A Thing that follows 2 or more ring rules belongs in the overlap between those rings.
- A Thing that follows none of the ring rules belongs outside all rings (labeled “None”).
Things stay in play
Once a Thing is in the right place, it stays there for the rest of the game. This makes it easier to figure out the rules as the game progresses.
End of the game
When a Finder correctly places the last Thing in their hand (without drawing another one), they win! The Finders can then try to guess the secret rules to earn bragging rights.
Knowing Things
As a Knower, your goal is to facilitate the game, not to put the Finders on the block. When placing Things at setup, try to choose 3 Things that unambiguously follow the rules and are scattered around the rings.
If you have trouble deciding whether a Thing follows a rule, consider a “typical” or “average” version of the Thing. You can use the image to refine your interpretation if necessary. It’s okay to use your own judgment – that’s part of the puzzle!

Co-op variant
In this 2-4 player variant, the Knower and all the Finders work together. The goal is for each Finder to place 5 Things correctly.
Setup Changes: The Knower draws a hand of 10 Things (not 5). They place 1 Thing per player (including themselves) and keep the rest.
Gameplay: After each round of Finders turns, the Knower places 1 new Thing. Finders keep their Things hidden, but may discuss theories and strategies. Finders without Things skip their turn.
End of Game: If the Knowers need to place a clue but have none, everyone loses. If each Finder has cleared his hand, everyone wins.
For us, this is an absolute winner and highly recommended!