The players form 1 team. In the first round (level 1) each player gets 1 card, in the second round (level 2) 2 cards, etc. In each level, the team must play all the cards in ascending order. The cards must be played face up in a pile in the center of the table. Example (4 players, level 1): 2-10-19-53. There is no order of play: if you think you can play a card, you may play it. NOTE: Players may not say anything about the cards in their hand. No information should be exchanged, and no secret signs should be given.
Preparation for the game
The team receives a number of lives and throwing stars (see table). Place these open side by side on the table. Place the remaining lives and throwing stars in a general supply. You may need these later in the game. Then take the required number of level cards (see table) and place them in ascending order in an open stack (with level 1 on top) in the center of the table. Put the level cards that are not used back in the box.
2 players: level 1-12 – 2 lives – 1 throwing star
3 players: level 1-10 – 3 lives – 1 throwing star
4 players: level 1-8 – 4 lives – 1 throwing star
Shuffle the 100 number cards. Each player gets 1 card (because of level 1) and takes it in hand without showing it to the other players. Place the remaining number cards covered at the edge of the playing area.
CAUTION! We recommend that practiced players try the game and learn as they go. Do not read the text at the end of the game rules, so that you can discover the game as you play. Of course, there is the danger of losing a life during the first level, but that undoubtedly provides a nice learning moment. Those who play games less frequently can read the special tip in the text block at the end of the rules before the first game.
Game play
Concentration please! When you are ready to start, put your hand on the table. When all players have their hand on the table, everyone removes their hand and the game begins. Note: This collective concentration at the start of a level is very important for the success of the game. During the rest of the game, players may refocus their concentration at any time. Just say “Stop” and interrupt the game – then everyone puts their hand on the table – refocus – take the hands away – continue!
The cards the players have in hand must be played in ascending order on a pile in the center of the table. The card with the lowest value must be played first, then the card with the currently lowest value, and so on. The cards must be played 1 at a time. For example, if 1 player has 36 and the 37 in hand, he may play both cards, but one after the other! There is no playing order; whoever thinks they have the card with the lowest value in their hand may play that card. Important! Nothing may be said or otherwise communicated about the value on the cards. No agreements or secret characters are allowed during the game!
When the players have played all the cards in the correct order (ascending), the current level is complete!
Next level: Put the top level card (from the previous level) back in the box. Shuffle all 100 number cards and each player gets another number of cards equal to the new level. Players take their cards in hand, put their other hand on the table to concentrate and start the next level. Again, all cards must be played in ascending order on 1 pile in the center of the table.
All subsequent levels are played, as described above. For each new level, all 100 cards are always shuffled and each player receives 1 more card than the previous round. Important! Players must always play the card with the lowest value from their hand.
Reward (Level 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9)
When the players complete level 2, they collectively receive 1 throwing star as a reward. Take this reward from the general stock. Also, after completing level 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, players receive a reward from the general supply. The reward is indicated at the bottom right of the corresponding level card (1 life or 1 throwing star). Note: In the most favorable case, a team can possess 5 lives and 3 throwing stars.
Error in playing out: surrender 1 life!
If a player plays a card, which is not the lowest value in play at that time, the game is immediately interrupted by the player who has a card with a lower value than the card just played. The team now loses 1 life and must place a life card in the general supply. Next, all players must discard all cards in their hand that are lower than the incorrectly played card. Place these cards covered on the pile of undivided number cards. Rebuild concentration and continue with the current level (no restarts!).
Using pitcher
At any time during the game, a player can suggest using a throwing star by raising his hand. If all players agree, then the throwing star is deployed and all players discard the card with the lowest value in their hands face up. Put a pitcher’s card back in the box. Then the players regain concentration and the game resumes.
End of the game
If players manage to complete all the levels, they have won the game. If the last life card must be turned in before completing the last level, they collectively lose the game.
New challenge: Once the team has completed all levels ( and is floating on a pink cloud), the team will immediately continue playing in blind mode. Players start with all remaining life cards and throwing stars again at level 1, but now all cards are placed face down in a pile in the center of the table. At the end of the level, all cards are turned over and the order is checked. If a player has caused a mistake, then it costs 1 life. The rest of the rules of the game remain unchanged. How many levels can the team pass blind?
How do you get this done? (NOTE: Read the rules of the game first! Then read on …)
The mind is a game revolving around the synchronization of the sense of time. The lower a card is, the sooner you play it. A 5 is played out quickly, with an 80 you will have to wait longer. Over the course of the game, players increasingly synchronize their sense of time, allowing for better and better estimation of how long to wait to play a particular card. What appears to be pure luck at first becomes “skill” after a few games. The concentration built up at the beginning of a level actually says, “We synchronize.” We emphasize that this is not about counting down the seconds. There is no counting, of course time passes in the minds of the players, but this is normally faster than 1 second per number and this changes depending on the level the players are playing. The secret of the game is to develop a common now-is-the-time feeling. The team needs to set the internal clocks right. They must become one.
Game design: Wolfgang Warsch
Illustrations: Oliver Freudenreich
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